Sappy Staff App


New Member
Aug 3, 2023
Steam Name: Sappy

In-game Name: Alpha 01 PVT Calibarn

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:528442756

Hours played on the server: 6 weeks 2 days 21 hours is my total playtime before and after reset

Do you have any previous experience moderating servers?: Yes I do buts its been a little bit since I've been staff on a server.

Have you ever been punished on our server? If so, what were you punished for?: No have not

What made you interested in applying for Staff? (100 word minimum): I'm interested in applying because I want to help out the server in any way possible. I've spent some time on the server thinking about if I wanted to apply for staff but I didn't know if this server would be the one I stay on. Now that I have been here for a little bit and thought about it this is the only server I want to play on. I am active as much as I can be and try to get on for any events I see. My main goal by applying for staff is to try and help out in any way I can and help out the the community as a whole.


Staff member
May 15, 2022
Hey Sappy,

Thank you for taking the time to submit your staff application. We appreciate your interest in contributing to our community and your dedication to the server.

After carefully reviewing your application and considering your previous interactions within the community, we have decided to deny your application at this time. While we value your enthusiasm and willingness to help, we have selected candidates whose skills and experience closely match the specific needs of our staff team at this time. Primarily stemming from not leaving a impression on staff long enough to dictate where you stand in the community.

Please understand that this decision does not reflect negatively on you as a member of our community. We encourage you to continue being an active and positive presence on the server, and perhaps in the future, there may be opportunities for you to reapply for a staff position. In short, continue playing so I can see more of you!

Happy Roleplaying!
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