Steam Name: Tragic_Flight
In-game Name: Alpha 05 PVT Tragic
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67740701
Hours played on the server:
Do you have any previous experience moderating servers?: As an EM I given warns under head of staff's permission that's as far as it goes for moderating
Have you ever been punished on our server? If so, what were you punished for?: Punished for minge and fail rp around 2018 when I joined
What made you interested in applying for Staff? (100 word minimum): What made me interested in applying for staff was the community around me I always wanted to try and go for staff ever since I was an EM I never got the push until now because I feel comfortable with the management that has kept order in the server for as long as I remember and being able to help with that would be amazing to do I believe as a person I can have patience and provide an opinion that has no biases which would be helpful to the staff team I want to learn how I can better help the community that I love playing.
In-game Name: Alpha 05 PVT Tragic
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67740701
Hours played on the server:
Do you have any previous experience moderating servers?: As an EM I given warns under head of staff's permission that's as far as it goes for moderating
Have you ever been punished on our server? If so, what were you punished for?: Punished for minge and fail rp around 2018 when I joined
What made you interested in applying for Staff? (100 word minimum): What made me interested in applying for staff was the community around me I always wanted to try and go for staff ever since I was an EM I never got the push until now because I feel comfortable with the management that has kept order in the server for as long as I remember and being able to help with that would be amazing to do I believe as a person I can have patience and provide an opinion that has no biases which would be helpful to the staff team I want to learn how I can better help the community that I love playing.