Tragic's Staff App


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
the dead side of youtube
Steam Name: Tragic_Flight

In-game Name: Alpha 05 PVT Tragic

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:67740701

Hours played on the server:

Do you have any previous experience moderating servers?: As an EM I given warns under head of staff's permission that's as far as it goes for moderating

Have you ever been punished on our server? If so, what were you punished for?: Punished for minge and fail rp around 2018 when I joined

What made you interested in applying for Staff? (100 word minimum): What made me interested in applying for staff was the community around me I always wanted to try and go for staff ever since I was an EM I never got the push until now because I feel comfortable with the management that has kept order in the server for as long as I remember and being able to help with that would be amazing to do I believe as a person I can have patience and provide an opinion that has no biases which would be helpful to the staff team I want to learn how I can better help the community that I love playing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2018
the dead side of youtube
Don't know how many hours but around 2018 to 2024 around 16 weeks before reset of server box around 2023


Staff member
May 15, 2022
Hey Tragic,

Thank you for your interest in joining our staff team and for taking the time to submit your application. We appreciate your dedication to the server and your desire to contribute to our community.

After careful consideration, we regret to inform you that your application has been denied at this time. While we recognize your enthusiasm and eagerness to assist, we believe that there are areas where further development may be beneficial for you.

We believe there are opportunities for growth in your interpersonal skills and assertiveness. I recommend focusing on honing your ability to set boundaries and assert yourself confidently. These skills are crucial not only for ensuring fair and consistent enforcement of our server rules but also for maintaining your effectiveness and authority as a staff member.

For this reason, we will be denying your application. Thank you for applying, and apply in the future. I personally suggest, you apply again once you develop your own boundaries for others and your able to assert yourself confidently. I'd enjoy seeing you as staff!

Happy roleplaying!